Coffee Culture & Tea Time

This morning was well spent, leisurely catching up at Irving Farm on West 3rd St with my friend. Irving Farm is one of my favorite coffee shops in New York City, partially because I spent so much time there in college. I’d grab a cold brew on the way to class, stop by for an iced tea in between lectures, and order a chai latte at the end of the day for a pick me up. Irving Farm, like many other coffee shops, was a stop for me rather than a destination. I’d never sit and sip; it was always to-go. During my time at Ballymaloe in Ireland, I was shocked by the tea culture that I experienced with my friends from the UK. Every single day had several different times for tea, and it was a moment to breathe and appreciate our surroundings. A moment for good conversation, debriefing the morning and recharging for the afternoon. My favorite day of the week at Ballymaloe was Thursday. On Thursday, we didn’t have our usual morning cooking session because it was our exploratory lecture day. Around 10:30, we’d stretch our legs as a break during the morning learning and walk into the dining room for tea and coffee. The fifteen minutes that followed were bliss that I wish I could bottle up and carry around with me daily. The sun peaked through the windows, illuminating the colorful chairs and tables inside. Our chefs offered us fresh seeded sourdough with organic salted butter and homemade berry compotes. We poured ourselves either an English breakfast tea or a strong coffee with a splash of raw milk and took a seat. It was like a casual grown up tea party, and it was perfect to me. It warmed me through my bones. It was more than just a beverage and a snack, it was a ritual. I feel as though the idea of tea time, whether it be with tea or coffee, is the opposite of New York City’s go-go-go, always on the move type of culture. My quiet, special, quaint coffee shop morning reminded me to make my own tea time, whether it be with a hot earl grey or a cup of Joe. While we can’t have the Ballymaloe Thursday coffee-break magic all the time, we can make our own exceptional, ritual driven moments to look forward to during the day. Now, time for some tea!


Scallops, Farofa, and Passionfruit… oh my!


Plant Your Seeds, Watch Them Grow